Webinar: Ukraine - Economy and Life in Times of War


When? Wednesday 22nd June, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. 

You will get a direct insight into the situation on the ground in Kyiv as well as the current general economic situation in Ukraine.

Our speakers will address the questions of how international insurance programs of German companies with a branch in Ukraine are currently operating and how to identify potential problems with global insurance coverage during a war.

In addition, we will show you the differences in the tax and legal system and their impact on business.


  • Oleksandr Saus, Managing Partner at Britmark 
  • Vitaliy Lebedovskiy, Partner at Britmark
  • Norbert Knau, Procurist, Head of International Department at Dr. Hörtkorn

Please register by mail to dennis.mueller@dr-hoertkorn.de

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