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351 results:

How We Adapt to Change II

About Solomon Cai brings you this report from inside China. A look at what is in store for China’s economy as well as an update on Navigator. Solomon Cai, Navigator Video …

Asia-Pacific Employee Benefits Pilot

About Giovanni Di Meo brings you this overview of the pilot currently underway with Allianz Global Benefits in Asia Pacific. You guessed: this is recommended for Employee Benefits staff. Giovanni…

Improving Your Business Margin

About In this Chubb-sponsored presentation, Craig McKell discusses how incremental improvements in broker’s margins can lead to substantial bottom line improvements.  Craig McKell, Revenute…

Brexit - And What it Means for Everyone Else

About With London being one of the world’s premier insurance markets, how will Brexit affect your firm? Joe Perry & Phil Waldon highlight what you need to know. Joe Perry & Phil Waldon,…

We Found You on the Internet

About  Get a lot more out of your website by harnessing the power of our 70 Partners! Robert Havekotte presents his findings after re-designing his own company's website and digital. Robert…

The RIMAP Risk Management Certification

About Benno Reischel speaks with Sam Tai, our first RIMAP certified risk manager, Alexander Saus (Ukraine) and FERMA CEO Typhaine Beaupérin about how to prepare for this important certification. …

Medical Devices During a Pandemic

About How has the pandemic changed the exposure of clients who have moved from conventional products into medical devices or have always manufactured them? Alex Forrest, Head of Life Sciences -…

How We Adapt to Change III

About Claude Hamman and Jan Drahota share how Indwe is responding to the challenges in South Africa. Includes a demo on how drone-based services expand Indwe’s capabilities. Peter Olyott, Claude…

Enabling Meaningful Client Conversations Through Time Tracking

About Being able to show your client what you’ve done for them is a game changer. Sutton Winson report on their experience with time tracking. Recommended for decision makers and client facing…

Chubb Booth - Helping You Support Your Clients

About Chaired by Deborah Sola, this lively session brings together 3 key areas of expertise crucial to our clients in these turbulent times: Multinational claims handling – explores how…