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351 results:

Paragon Life Sciences Booth

About John Wadsworth brings you top level expertise on the impact of coronavirus on clinical trials. John Wadsworth Video

Useful material Presentation Website…

UAA Booth

About Carlos Vanegas answers questions regarding insuring mobile plants and construction machinery. Carlos Vanegas Video

Useful material Website

The Employee Benefits Consultants' Toolbox for Success

About The MUST DO session for all EB enthusiasts! Lewis Mosley discusses what’s available (and what might be helpful) in the way of technical support before looking at ongoing collaboration…

Backbone Roundtable

About Sutton Winson share their experience with Backbone, UNIBA Partners' collaborative policy digest tool. Joe Perry & Phil Waldon, Sutton Winson Video

Feedback …

Insuring Renewable Energy

About Klaus Schreiber, Gothaer’s renowned specialist, discusses key points around insuring renewable energy and introduces Gothaer’s energy team. Klaus Schreiber, Gothaer Video …

New Capabilities in Digital Risk Assessment

About Paola Guiao of AXA XL Risk Consulting presents new capabilities in digital risk assessment. She is joined by Carlson Grote presenting AXA International Services. Carlson Grote, AIS…

How Technology Changes Underwriting

About Technology impacts underwriting and it’s important to understand what that impact is. UNIQA’s Bernhard Nigl provides a much needed look behind the scenes. Bernhard Nigl, UNIQA Video …

Reset for Resilience & Results Keynote

About Where do we go from here? How do we cope with the uncertainty of further lockdowns, the inability to travel? Our closing keynote speaker reminds us of our strengths, individually and as a…

Show & Tell Part II

About Advice First (Australia) Capacity (Korea) FinCred (UK) Skyddo (Mozambique) A glimpse into the soul of our new Partners Advice First (Australia)

FinCred (UK) …


About Three hours of intense and interactive collaboration in a high-pressure crisis situation. This exceptional leadership training as delivered by Edouard Getaz.  Edouard…