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351 results:

A partner in Ecuador joins the Network - welcome, Oland Seguros!

A partner in Ecuador joins the Network - welcome, Oland Seguros!

A partner in Ecuador joins the Network - welcome, Oland Seguros! “We welcome Oland Seguros, an enthusiastic and innovative Partner! Ecuador plays an important role in the LatAm region and…

Welcome, Great American International Insurance!

Welcome, Great American International Insurance!

Welcome, Great American International Insurance! UNIBA Partners welcomes Great American International Insurance (EU) DAC and Great American International Insurance (UK) Limited. "With their…

Africa & Middle East Regional Call

Africa & Middle East Regional Call

UNIBA Partners welcomes Mauritius-based Chartered Brokers Group

UNIBA Partners welcomes Mauritius-based Chartered Brokers Group

UNIBA Partners welcomes Mauritius-based Chartered Brokers Group Founded in 1994, Chartered Brokers Ltd. was one of the first insurance brokers in Mauritius and has built a solid reputation…

Interview with European UNIBA Partners

Interview with European UNIBA Partners

Interview with European UNIBA Partners Commercial Risk Europe, a risk manager and insurance buyer facing publication, reports on a round-table conversation with seven of UNIBA’s European…

Brexit - International Insurance Webinar

Brexit - International Insurance Webinar

Brexit - International Insurance Webinar Organisations with global operations are understandably confused about how Brexit may have impacted the setup of their international insurances. On May…

Brexit - International Insurance Webinar

Brexit - International Insurance Webinar

Brexit - International Insurance Webinar Organisations with global operations are understandably confused about how Brexit may have impacted the setup of their international insurances. On May…



Welcome EUROSOLUTIONS ! We are delighted to welcome EUROSOLUTIONS doo to UNIBA Partners' global network. We are delighted to welcome EUROSOLUTIONS doo to UNIBA Partners' global network. Based in…

Asia-Pac Regional Call

Asia-Pac Regional Call

Asia-Pac Regional Call

Asia-Pac Regional Call