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351 results:

Board Conference Call

Board Conference Call

Is your international program compliant?

Is your international program compliant?

Is your international program compliant? Local policies or non-admitted coverage, taxation of claims payments, policy coverage disputes in foreign languages - decisions on how an international…

How I Passed the RIMAP Exam - Success Story by Sam Tai

How I Passed the RIMAP Exam - Success Story by Sam Tai

How I Passed the RIMAP Exam - Success Story by Sam Tai Sam Tai, International Desk Manager at Newstate Stenhouse in Singapore, successfully passed his FERMA RIMAP exam last week and is now…

ARISCO visits VerCon in Vienna

ARISCO visits VerCon in Vienna

ARISCO visits VerCon in Vienna Our Partners continue to seek personal contacts, something that will always make a difference to our clients. Last week, Eugen Huber and Alexandra Krühenbühl of…

RIMAP Certification for UNIBA Partners

RIMAP Certification for UNIBA Partners

RIMAP Certification for UNIBA Partners Earlier this year, UNIBA Partners joined forces with FERMA to offer our members exclusive access to the FERMA’s risk management certification program,…

Economic update from Dun & Bradstreet: “The risk of late and non-payment will increase substantially over the next months”

Economic update from Dun & Bradstreet: “The risk of late and non-payment will increase substantially over the next months”

Economic update from Dun & Bradstreet: “The risk of late and non-payment will increase substantially over the next months” This Dun & Bradstreet presentation takes a facts & figures look at…

Compliance is not enough

Compliance is not enough

Compliance is not enough A keynote presentation from Samantha Nowell of (Sea Change London) and Suneeta Padda (Padda Consulting) last week highlighted to what extent the UK…

International Surety: a Post-COVID19 Outlook from Raffuel Surety Group

International Surety: a Post-COVID19 Outlook from Raffuel Surety Group

International Surety: a Post-COVID19 Outlook from Raffuel Surety Group How will Coronavirus impact Surety Bonding for Global Contractors? How about Private Equity and M&A deals? Our…

Board Conference Call

Board Conference Call

Un-Zoom Our Communication

Un-Zoom Our Communication

Un-Zoom Our Communication UNIBA Partners is concerned about Zoom’s indifference to the welfare of its huge base of users. We do not want to expose our participants to a supplier whose privacy…