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351 results:

‘Wishful Thinking’ To Expect Sufficient Pandemic Coverage From Insurers Alone

‘Wishful Thinking’ To Expect Sufficient Pandemic Coverage From Insurers Alone

‘Wishful Thinking’ To Expect Sufficient Pandemic Coverage From Insurers Alone Dirk Wegener, President of FERMA, was UNIBA Partners’ guest in a half hour key note speech earlier this month. In his…

Bazzi & Partners join UNIBA Partners

Bazzi & Partners join UNIBA Partners

Bazzi & Partners join UNIBA Partners Continuing the string of good news, we are happy to welcome Bazzi & Partners as our newest Partner in Italy. Bazzi & Partners have been operating…

¡Hola, Kam Y Asociados!

¡Hola, Kam Y Asociados!

¡Hola, Kam Y Asociados! We are glad to announce Kam Y Asociados as our most recent Latin American Partner.  Kam Y Asociados was founded in 1974 in Panama and quickly established itself as…

Online presentation: Dirk Wegener (Deutsche Bank & FERMA) on how insurers, buyers and brokers can manage the difficult COVID-19 and post-COVID situation together

Online presentation: Dirk Wegener (Deutsche Bank & FERMA) on how insurers, buyers and brokers can manage the difficult COVID-19 and post-COVID situation together Dirk Wegener is the Global Head of…

Welcome, Insurance Office of America!

Welcome, Insurance Office of America!

Welcome, Insurance Office of America! UNIBA Partners is pleased to announce Insurance Office of America (IOA) as its most recent new Partner. IOA was named a National Underwriter Agency of the…

Sutton Winson acquires Flexible Health Insurance Brokers

Sutton Winson acquires Flexible Health Insurance Brokers

Sutton Winson acquires Flexible Health Insurance Brokers Sutton Winson have completed the acquisition of Flexible Health Insurance Brokers, a Kent-based independent Health &…

UAA: New Associate Member

UAA: New Associate Member

UAA: New Associate Member We warmly welcome Underwriting Agencies of Australia (UAA) as our most recent Associate Member! UAA provide unique expertise for protecting industrial and…

Welcome, Skyddo and FR Group!

Welcome, Skyddo and FR Group!

Welcome, Skyddo and FR Group! UNIBA Partners welcomes two excellent new Partners, Skyddo (Mozambique) and FRGroup (Chile) to the network: Skyddo Insurance Brokers was founded by…

Asia-Pacific 2020 Conference cancelled over coronavirus concerns

Asia-Pacific 2020 Conference cancelled over coronavirus concerns

Asia-Pacific 2020 Conference cancelled over coronavirus concerns UNIBA Partners' Asia-Pacific group has decided to cancel its annual conference, originally scheduled to be held in Singapore in early…

News from Navigator China

News from Navigator China Despite the coronavirus crisis, Navigator’s Overseas team continues to be available to assist clients with exposures in China. The Chinese government has extended the…