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351 results:

Every Business Has Cyber Risks – Paragon Event

Every Business Has Cyber Risks – Paragon Event

Every Business Has Cyber Risks – Paragon Event Paragon, our specialty Lloyd’s Partner hosted an invitation only Cyber and M&A Insurance event at their offices earlier this month. The event…

Americas Meeting Update

Americas Meeting Update

Americas Meeting Update UNIBA Partners LatAm and North American Partners met for its annual pre-RIMS day in Boston. The group enthusiastically welcomed three new Partners: Norfolk Risk (Argentina),…

2019 Worldwide Partners Conference

2019 Worldwide Partners Conference

UNIBA Partners' 2019 International Desk Managers Meeting | Property, Casualty & Employee Benefits

UNIBA Partners' 2019 International Desk Managers Meeting | Property, Casualty & Employee Benefits

Benno Reischel to chair UNIBA Partners’ Board

Benno Reischel to chair UNIBA Partners’ Board

Benno Reischel to chair UNIBA Partners’ Board UNIBA Partners is pleased to appoint Benno Reischel as Chairman of its Board of Directors, starting January 1st 2019. Benno Reischel’s most recent…

Group Casier - 125 Years of History

Group Casier - 125 Years of History

Group Casier - 125 Years of History We would like to congratulate Group Casier, one of our Belgian Partners, on their 125th anniversary!  Group Casier was founded on November 23rd 1893 by flax…

2019 Middle East & Africa Virtual Conference

2019 Middle East & Africa Virtual Conference

2019 Americas Regional Meeting

2019 Americas Regional Meeting

2019 Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting

2019 Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting



'Money…  ... is the most important human invention after language’, says Simon Dingle, our Cape Town keynote speaker for Day 2. Bitcoin, smart contracts, blockchain technology, all sound…